He/she is pursuing a standard high school diploma.
His/her current unweighted GPA is 2.5 or better.
He/she must be capable of extensive independent walking and physical activity.
He/she must have an interest in the topics covered by the program.
A review of the school Behavior Incident and Attendance Records by the
Guidance Counselors indicates there are not any issues that should preclude
this student from consideration in this leadership development program.
Supplemental Information
Interested and eligible high school students apply during their sophomore
year. Accepted students go through the program in their junior year.
Twenty-two students from throughout St. Johns County are selected by community
volunteers to be in the program each year.
Cost of participation for those accepted is $100. Those for whom this would
pose a financial hardship may request a cost waiver from the YLSJ Program.
All other costs associated with the program are covered by UF Health St.
Johns and other community donations. This includes meals.
Transportation to
starting and
ending locations of each program day are the responsibility of the students/families.
DURING program days is provided by transportation vendors.
YLSJ participants receive
excused absences from their schools, including sports and extracurricular activities, for
program days that occur on school days.
Attendance at all programs is essential to the student’s and the
program’s overall experience. The YLSJ Coordinators will determine
if missed program hours/days are excused. Missing 8 or more hours for
unexcused reasons will result in removal from the program.
High ethical character and behavior are expected of the participants and
students will be removed from the program if these standards are not met.
Should a student become injured during the program for non-negligent reasons,
the family’s health insurance is responsible to cover those costs.
YLSJ/UF Health St. Johns and the Transportation vendors carry Liability
Insurance for injury due to negligence.
Parents/Guardians must give permission to YLSJ/UF Health St. Johns to use
photos, videos, interviews, etc. in all formats of the participants for
marketing purposes of the program.
Contact Information
The Youth Leadership St. Johns Coordinators for 2024-25 are Mrs. Nancy
Birchall, Ms. Kathy Mignerey and Mrs. Jeani Taliaferro. Contact them with
questions through
youthleadershipstjohns@gmail.com or call Mrs. Nancy Birchall at 904-392-6229.