Terrance B.
- Author: Terrance Blackburn
- Date Submitted: Jun 1, 2021
- Category: BRAVE Program

“Because of the help of Care Connect and the BRAVE Program there is ending in sight to our struggling. There is a light at the end of the tunnel now.”
Care Connect has helped so much. You all have delivered food to my house and have helped in ways I never knew I needed. It was hard during the pandemic and we lost income due to a reduction in hours. Care Connect was able to connect me to CARES funding with the county to help keep us in our home.
During the pandemic my daughter was especially struggling. My daughter was baker acted and our entire family was struggling with seeing the issues my daughter was dealing with. Because of the referral from the school district for my son back in March, I was connected through BRAVE very quickly when my children needed it the most. My oldest son is connected with CHS and has counseling through telehealth every Friday. My youngest son and daughter are connected to the SAYS CAT team. All three of my children have been receiving counseling for 3+ months. As a result, they have been able to get medication management and their communication skills are improving. Ms. Jennifer helped us get connected quickly.
I call Ms. Jennifer any time I am struggling. It has been such a blessing to work with her. During the holidays Ms. Jennifer got us food during the school break. The volunteers delivering the food asked about what we were missing out on this holiday and I told them that we were unable to buy gingerbread houses this year. On Christmas Eve the volunteers brought us gingerbread houses. They helped to keep our holiday traditions alive when we were struggling.
Because of the help of Care Connect and the BRAVE Program there is ending in sight to our struggling. There is a light at the end of the tunnel now. I hope this program keeps on going, because people are trying to get help and Care Connect is the start to all of that.