Sara B
- Author: Sara B
- Date Submitted: Oct 11, 2021
- Category: BRAVE Program
“I am also grateful that the BRAVE program was able to assist our family with funding for therapy...with three young children, expenses are always tight, and the cost of therapy for [our son] was a definite concern for us.”
I just wanted to take a moment to reach out and say thank you to the BRAVE program for helping our family locate a mental health counselor for our son, this fall. [He] had a very tough adjustment to kindergarten, requiring daily intervention by school administrators and counselors, which led to a referral to the BRAVE program. As a family, we had been seeking behavioral health therapy for our son since the spring, but we kept running into brick walls -- 9 or 10 month long waiting periods for an initial evaluation; providers not accepting new patients; or providers not accepting our insurance coupled with prohibitively high out-of-pocket payments per session.
Within one day of referral to the BRAVE program, [Wellness Coordinator] Brigid reached out to me and rapidly located a provider within our area who could see us within a two-week period. As of today, my son has had three appointments with a counselor, and we are so pleased with how the counselor has worked with us, as parents, and with [our son] to address his anxiety and help better address his needs, strengths, and challenges. Brigid has followed up with us on multiple occasions to see if she can provide further help. I cannot speak more highly of her kindness, professionalism, compassion, and prompt service - I cannot believe how quickly she was able to help--> within a day, not a week or month!
I am also grateful that the BRAVE program was able to assist our family with funding for therapy...with three young children, expenses are always tight, and the cost of therapy for [our son] was a definite concern for us. The BRAVE program is such an incredible resource for our county, and we greatly appreciate your assistance.